Logo design and color - Let us discuss

Let us start with why logo is important and then we will jump into what are the important things that you need to know logo design. Being a SEO agency in Singapore, we stress the importance of logo to a business.

Logo is considered as a face of a brand. So when there is an absence of a logo people cannot picturize the company, because how can we picturized something which is faceless?. Something which cannot be picturized can be easily forgotten, hence it is important to have a logo for your brand.

There is a wide misconception that complex logos are attractive and effective but what they don’t understand is that complex logos look bad when they are stretched. Therefore, the more simple your logo the more versatile it is. Also simplicity attracts more than complex designs because human mind prefer simple things rather than complex.

Fonts play a vital role in logo designing. It speaks about the personality of the company. A few companies think that font can directly influence the sales of a product. Fonts have characteristics and so do your company therefore it is important that your chosen font represents your company's characteristics. Never choose a font according to your personal likings and also don’t compromise readability. Should you need a freelance powerpoint designer Singapore in this case, you may also contact Subraa.

Colors are also very vital, when it comes to logo designing by a logo design. Colors have personalities. A research shows that 80% of customers say that color influences them a lot and helps them in brand recognition. Colors represent feelings and each color has its own characteristics. Depending upon the characteristics of each color, you can choose a color that you want to portray your brand. 

There are also multiple shades of each color. You can also use multiple colors in your logo. But make sure you color combo is good. Meet your expert providing SEO services in Singapore for business needs. If you are looking for name card design Singapore and flyer design Singapore, you can reach Subraa for your brand.
